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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

And the Diagnosis is.....

Who needs doctors when you have the internet at your finger tips? I’m sure that I could Google how to perform surgery, and it would give me multiple sites that show you how to perform any given surgery. However, I would never do that because it would be stupid. But type in any little unusual aches or pains that you may have and somewhere you will find the answers, the possible causes, possible name of your pain, treatments, and so on.

I have this new, hobby that keeps me busy during my spare time at work. Whenever I don’t feel 100% or something is hurting that doesn’t normally hurt, I Google it, or use Web MD. For instance, my shoulder bothers me occasionally for days at a time and at night, but it will go away. So yesterday I decided to do some research. I was able to narrow it down because of the kind of pain and the location of the pain. I am pretty sure that if I were to go to the doctor he would tell me the exact thing that the internet did. The only difference is he would be able to prescribe me something or tell me how to fix it. If only they could prescribe things to you on the internet, but I guess that wouldn’t be a very good idea because doctors would be out of job and people would be getting high as a kite off of prescription drugs. But it is nice to have an idea of what MIGHT be going on before you go into the doctor. Better yet find out what you can do before you make that appointment to see the doctor.

That being said, here is my diagnosis…

Hope you enjoy! lol

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